ELW “Monitors" Threats to Natural Resource Sites

Anticipating all the potential activities that can occur on or adjacent to managed lands is impossible. Although regular monitoring can reduce negative impacts, “regular” could mean weekly or yearly—which means that using more traditional approaches even your best managed lands may go unmonitored the majority of the year.

Ecology LandWatch (ELW) offers a novel, online, cost-effective approach to monitoring managed lands, providing risk management and parcel protection to the land owner/manager.

ELW continuously digitally “crawls,” geospatially cross-references, and maps information on land activities (for example, development, excavation, well installation, etc.) occurring on or adjacent to a managed land parcel. ELW alerts you when land activity might be a risk to your managed land.

ELW’s capabilities and functions are schematically described below. ELW’s online subscription-based system complements and expands on the risk monitoring you may already be performing.

Ecology LandWatch Monitors “Land-Change” Risk On or Adjacent to Managed Natural Lands

ELW can be immediately put to work for the land owner/manager when ELW receives the site’s location/coordinates. ELW’s online service can be set to monitor any managed land regardless of size and location.

ELW Online Risk Monitoring

Ecology LandWatch Overview: Target, Monitor, Alert & Manage

The Target process identifies the monitoring boundaries and scope. ELW monitoring continually reviews and screens land activities within the monitoring scope. ELW’s Alert and Manage process sends alerts and workflow management tools when land activities conflict with client-defined risks.


How ELW works

Identifying land activities adjacent to managed lands to reduce risk and improve operational management


Getting Started With Ecology LandWatch

An efficient work flow is at the core of ELW

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